Symposium will be held in Kemer/Antalya (Turkey) at 15th of November 2015.

There are many direct and charter flights and also undirect flights via Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir to ANTALYA airport.

Organization will organize two bus for the transfer from Airport to Kemer. But if your arrival do not fit to the transfer hours you may come via airport shuttle to the city bus terminal and You may come by bus from the city bus terminal to the center of Kemer. You will be informed about the transfer hours before the symposium.

Registration desk will be at the entrance of the sympsoium hall and at the building of Selcuk University, Underwater Research and Application Center

Akdeniz Caddesi No. 25 Kemer / Antalya
(90) 242 8141879,
(90) 242 8141869,
Fax: (90) 242 8141869)

Symposium will organize special discounts at the hotels around of the symposium hall.