The proceedings of the symposium will be published by Archaeopress within the B.A.R. International Series. The Abstracts will be published by Eastern Mediterranean University
Format for submission: 2. All texts should be typed in Times New Roman at 10 point, single spaced and arranged in two columns for each page. Side margins should be 2.5cm; top and bottom margins should be 2.0cm. YOU CAN USE THIS FILE AS MATRIX FOR YOUR PAPER. Do not include page numbers. 6. The combination of both file must not exceed 2 Mb 7. At the beginning of any paper remember to indicate: Title If you are quoting ancient sources, use extensive or abbreviated documentation in the footnote, ie: Book with two authors/editors: Article in journal: Article in an edited book: If the information is only available as a computer database: Web Documents A list of all illustrations should also be submitted on a separate sheet: Fig. 2: Lightwell in the Hall of the Double Axes, Knossos (Evans 1921, fig. 250).
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Bibliography Preferred layout: Book – Boardman, J., 2001, The history of Greek Vases: potters, painters and pictures (London: Thames & Hudson)
Paper in a book – Henig, M., 2006, ‘The Language of Love in Roman Britain: jewellery and the emotions’ in M. Henig (ed.) Roman Art, Religion and Society, BAR S1577 (Oxford)
Paper in a journal – Johns, C. et al., 1999, ‘A mid-fifth century hoard of Roman and Pseudo-Roman material from Patching, West Sussex’, Britannia 30, pp. 301-315
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